
Founder of the Digital Rights Festival
Daniela has a degree in Law from Universidade Lusíada of Lisbon, a postgraduation in European Union Competition Law from King's College London, an MBA (academic part) from NOVA SBE and The Lisbon MBA Católica-NOVA, is currently a PhD candidate at NOVA School of Law, interested in Digital Law and a member of the Data-Driven Law Knowledge-Centre at NOVA School of Law. Shee entered academic life after an eminently practical career, which began at the law firm PLMJ, where she did an internship and worked under the guidance of Professor Luís Cruz Vilaça. This was followed by Sonaecom's Regulation Department, in the 'hot' period of telecommunications liberalisation. He also directed the legal, regulation and affiliated relations area of Cabovisão when owned by Cogeco. She was Secretary-General of APRITEL – Association of Electronic Communications Operators. She was also Secretary-General of the consumer defense association, Ius Omnibus, when she delved deeper into the legal problems of the Digital Society, leading the public relations of the initiation of a class action against Tik Tok. Daniela has two young adult sons and a teenage daughter.
Mayor of the Municipality of Cascais
Carlos Carreiras has served as the Mayor of Cascais since 2011, winning three electoral contests with an absolute majority and securing some of the municipality's most decisive victories. He was Vice President of the Social Democratic Party (2014–2016), President of the Francisco Sá Carneiro Institute (2010–2013), and a founding member of the Social Democratic Youth. With a background in management, he worked as a corporate executive in the consumer goods and tourism sectors prior to his role in executive politics. A columnist for the newspaper "i" and author of the book “Com Vista para o Atlântico”, Carlos Carreiras was born in 1961 and is the father of five daughters
Dean of NOVA School of Law
Margarida Lima Rego is full professor at, and dean of NOVA School of Law, NOVA University, Lisbon, where she has lectured regularly since 2005.
As an academic, she has taught different courses and published in a wide range of topics within Private Law, with a special focus on Contract Law. She is scientific coordinator of the School of Law’s PhD Programme in Law and, until June 2022, she also coordinated its Master’s in Law and Financial Markets, a degree that she co-founded in 2015. She is currently in charge of the courses of Law of Obligations and Hard Cases (undergraduate), she is the holder of the Jean Monnet Module in EU Insurance Law: Challenges in the SDG Era (master’s), and is responsible for the seminars on Private Law (PhD). Margarida Lima Rego is an active researcher at CEDIS, the School’s R&D Unit, where she founded and coordinates the NOVA Knowledge Centre for Data-Driven Law.
Margarida’s main areas of practice are civil and commercial law. She has been a member of the Board of Appeal of the European Supervisory Authorities since December 2021. Previously, she was Of Counsel to Morais Leitão, where she headed the insurance, reinsurance and pension funds cross-practice team, having left the firm in July 2019 to pursue her academic career on a full time basis. She is still an active legal consultant who is regularly sought on varied subject matters of Portuguese and Lusophone Law, having contributed to dispute resolutions before the courts of several jurisdictions in Europe, Africa and North and South America.
Margarida was a member of the Portuguese Bar between 2002 and 2019. Current positions include: President of AIDA Portugal; member of the Executive Committee and Scientific Committee of AIDA Europe; of the Scientific Committee of CILA; of the Presidential Council of AIDA World. Chairwoman of the Commercial Law and Practice Commission of the Portuguese chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce.
President of ANACOM
Sandra Maximiano, Chairwoman of ANACOM's Board of Directors since 15 December 2023, holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Amsterdam. She is an Associate Professor of Economics at ISEG - School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, where she is co-coordinator of XLAB - Behavioral Research Lab and of the Master's Degree in Economics program. She is also a Visiting Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. She was previously an Assistant Professor at Purdue University and a Research Fellow at the University of Chicago in the United States. She has also taught at the Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics and the Nova School of Business and Economics.
Her academic research spans several areas: experimental and behavioral economics, organizational and labor economics, public policy, and information management. Her research explores issues related to social and moral preferences in individual decision making and in strategic and competitive environments, gender differences in economic decisions and the dynamics of information in competitive and co-operative situations. Maximiano primarily uses laboratory and field experiments to study human economic behavior and to collect data. Her work has been published in journals such as Review of Economic Studies, Economic Journal, Experimental Economics and Games and Economic Behavior. He is currently the Associate Editor of the Portuguese Economic Journal.
Maximiano is a member of the Supervisory Board, a member of the Advisory Board and a member of SEDES observatories and working groups. Between 2020 and 2024, she was Vice-President of the Data Science Portuguese Association and a member of the ASF Forum for Market Conduct. From 2006 to 2023, she was the author of opinion columns in the Portuguese press, most notably the column “A Economia somos nós” (The Economy is Us) in the Expresso newspaper.
President of D3 – Association for the Defense of Digital Rights
Designer, coder, free software advocate and digital rights activist. He directs, with Ana Isabel Carvalho, the data journalism agency J++ Porto and the design studio Manufactura Independente. He was a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the U. Porto and at the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, guiding curricula around design, web, digital interfaces, hardware hacking and copyright theory. It was present in the foundation and cultivation (and in some cases in the sunset) of several communities that came to provide spaces and trends that were needed: the Hacklaviva hackerspace (2009-2012), the Transparency Hackday Portugal/Date With Data meetings (2010-2020), Open Knowledge Portugal (2015-2020), D3 (2017-), Tilde.pt (2020-) and Ciberlândia (2022-). In all of them he was involved in both facilitation and technical infrastructure, always using free software tools.
As co-founder and current president of D3, he has coordinated the association's public intervention in matters such as metadata, covid apps, secrecy of communications, net neutrality, copyright and, more recently, the Worldcoin controversy.
Deputy Director-General of ANACOM
Coordinator of the DSC Working Group
Luís Alexandre Correia was born on May 04, 1979, in Coimbra. He studied Electrical Engineering and later Geographic Engineering at the University of Coimbra, earning a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in 2005 and 2009, respectively.
His professional career includes serving as an Army Officer at the Army Geographic Institute, as Head of the Network Development Department at the then EP- Estradas de Portugal S.A., and as Head of the Network Development Department at Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Director-General in the Directorate-General for Information and Innovation and the Directorate-General for Supervision at ANACOM, while also serving as the President of the Working Group for the Digital Services Regulation.
Board Member of the Administrative Modernization Agency
João Roque Fernandes is Member of the Board of Directors of the Administrative Modernization Agency (AMA) since May 2024. With a degree in Computer Science and Business Management from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (2001), has an established track record of leading administrative modernization and digital transformation initiatives.
As a co-founder of Spike IT he managed innovative projects in the Justice and public services digitalization sectors, including the development of the Citizen Card (2018-2024). He previously held leadership roles at GLINTT, directing modernization projects for the Central Public Administration (2013-2017), as well as at Accenture, focusing on digital identity and interoperability (2010-2013). Earlier in his career, he served as a consultant at WeDo Consulting (2001-2006) and Accenture (2006-2010), building over 20 years of experience in technological innovation and strategic project management.
Legal and Policy Officer of the National Cybersecurity Center
Carlos Moreira Antunes has a degree in Law and a postgraduate degree in Administrative Law and Public Administration, and is preparing his master's thesis dedicated to the theme of automation in Administrative Law. He was a technical specialist in the Office of the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization in the XXIII Constitutional Government, worked as a senior lawyer in the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, E.P.E. and is currently a consultant at the National Center for Cibsersecurity.
He collaborates in different projects in the area of Artificial Intelligence, such as the European Working Group of Competent Authorities on AI and the CDAP working groups on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Public Services, as well as in the Bridge AI project within the scope of Artificial Intelligence Regulation. It awaits discussion of the master's thesis on "the duty to state reasons and the right to explanation in automated administrative acts".
President of the National Data Protection Commission
Graduated (1996), Master (2003) and PhD (2018) in Law, she is Assistant Professor in the Legal Sciences Group at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, having taught Civil Procedural Law subjects. She is the author of more than three dozen publications, most notably “A função punitiva da responsabilidade civil (2006)”. She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Union International des Huissiers de Justice, of the Editorial Committee of the journal Propriedades Intelectuais, of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure and the Research Centre for Private Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, also participating in the activities of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
She has held several public positions, namely President of the Commission for the Effectiveness of Executions, to which she was unanimously elected (2009/2012); jurist at the Securities Market Commission (CMVM) since 2002, having represented the CMVM in several national and international forums; Deputy Secretary of State and Local Administration of the XVII Constitutional Government (2005/2009); advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State of the Minister of Justice of the XIV Constitutional Government (2000/2002), having participated in several legislative reform projects to simplify public administration and to further procedural simplification.
Between 1996 and 2000 she was a lawyer, having requested the suspension of her registration in April 2000 to take on the role of advisor to a member of the Government.
She is currently President of the National Commission for Data Protection.
Inspector-General of the General Inspection of Cultural Activities
Born in 1967, Luis Silveira Botelho has a degree in Law and began his professional life in 1993 as a lawyer and legal consultant to the Ministry of Education.
He currently holds the position of Inspector-General of Cultural Activities, a position in which he has been invested since December 1, 2009.
In 1997, he entered the Public Administration for the career of senior inspectorate of the General Inspectorate of National Defence, where he reached, in 2009, the category of Principal Senior Inspector.
For about 5 years (2004-2009) he worked as a specialized advisor to members of the Government holding the portfolios, respectively, of Educational Administration and National Defense and Maritime Affairs.
Inherently, he is a member of the National Council of Culture, president of the show classification committee, president of the specialized section of bullfighting and member of the specialized sections of Copyright and Related Rights, Cinema and Audiovisual, Arts and the Coordinating Council of the Internal Control System of the State Financial Administration.
He was the scientific coordinator of the course "Law of Culture" promoted by the Students' Association of the Faculty of Law of the NOVA University of Lisbon (2015).
He was President of the Advisory Board of the DNS.PT Association, in the 2016-2018 triennium, an entity that is responsible for the management, registration and maintenance of domains under the TLD (Top Level Domain).
He chaired the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Statute of Professionals in the Area of Culture (2021/2023). He was a member of the faculty of the II course in Cultural Heritage Law (2023/2024) promoted by the Private Law Research Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. In 2023, on behalf of the General Inspection of Cultural Activities, he received the international award from the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance, as a distinction of merit international for the fight, in a digital environment, against piracy of works and cultural content protected by copyright and related rights. In 2023, he was awarded the medal of honor by the Portuguese Society of Authors.
As complementary training, he has the Advanced Course in Public Management, the attendance of the Course in Legistics and Science of Legislation and the Training "Management by Objectives in Public Administration" (INA/Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Partnership, Syracuse University).
He is a speaker at congresses, colloquia and seminars, national and international, on issues related to Copyright and Related Rights.
He was co-author of the Statute of the Teaching Career of Kindergarten Educators and Teachers of Basic and Secondary Education Annotated, Coimbra Editora (2007 and 2011); of the "New regime of competition for teaching staff", Coimbra Editora (2006) and of the Statute of the Teaching Career of Kindergarten Educators and Teachers of Basic and Secondary Education Anotado, Plátano Editora (2004).
Member of the Regulatory Board of the Media Regulatory Authority
He has been a senior official at the Regulatory Authority for the Media since 2006, holding various positions including Coordinator of the Media Analysis Unit (2007–2012), Advisor to the Regulatory Board (2014–2015), Chief of Staff (2018–2020), Interim Executive Director (concurrently, 2018), and Data Protection Officer (2021–2023).
He holds a degree in Communication Sciences – Journalism from the Universidade Autónoma Luís de Camões (1994), a Master's in Strategy from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences at the Technical University of Lisbon (2003), and a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Sciences from the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon (2005).
A significant part of his career has been dedicated to teaching journalism. He taught at the School of Communication and Media Studies – IPL (1999–2014) and the School of Education in Portalegre – IPP (1997–1999), where he covered various media and journalism disciplines and participated in several research projects.
Internationally, he served as Cooperation Attaché at the Portuguese Embassy in Angola and Director of the Portuguese Cultural Center in Luanda (2020–2021). He was also General Coordinator of the EU Social Communication Program in Timor-Leste – Delegated Cooperation by the EU in Portugal (2012–2014).
From 2015 to 2018, he was Communication Advisor to the Minister of National Defense in the XXI Constitutional Government, for which he was awarded the National Defense Medal – 2nd Class.
In the early years of his career, he worked as a journalist in radio and print media (TSF – internship –, Rádio Clube Português, Ambiente Magazine, Auto Hoje, Mundo Lusófono; 1994–1996).
He continues to be active as a researcher and lecturer, with numerous studies and academic articles published in the fields of media and journalism studies.
SAPO Tek Editor
Fátima Caçador is a journalist and director of Casa dos Bits, with over 30 years of experience covering technology and Internet-related topics. In 2000, she founded SAPO TEK, a leading technology portal and the oldest of its kind in Portugal. Throughout her career, she has received several journalism awards, including the Career Award from the National Innovation Agency.
Founding President of Privacy LX
Francisco is a young computer scientist and privacy advocate. Marked by the profound unfairness of having everyone spied upon by the US Government, as shown by the Snowden revelations in 2013, he learned how to protect himself online and later, by creating Privacy Lx, taught hundreds of others.
Advogado/ PhD / Professor da Faculdade de Direito do Porto da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Nuno Sousa e Silva is a Portuguese-qualified lawyer (partner at PTCS Advogados) working mainly in the fields of Intellectual Property (patents, copyright, trademarks and design rights), technology and IT (internet, digital technologies and software) laws and a Professor at the Porto Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). He also teaches at Porto Business School and has previously taught at ISCAP and at the School of Arts (UCP). Nuno also acts frequently as an arbitrator and legal expert for companies, governments, and international institutions. Nuno has published more than sixty articles and five books in the areas of IT/TMT, IP, EU, Private and Commercial Law. He is regularly invited for conferences and talks and has lectured in several institutions in Portugal as well as in Germany, Hungary, Poland, Brazil, Denmark, and the UK. In 2019 he earned a PhD in Law, with a thesis on the intersections between IP and unfair competition (awarded the Abreu Advogados prize). He graduated from the Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal in 2011 and in April 2013 he concluded his Master of Laws degree at the same University with a thesis on trade secrets. Studied at the Munich Intellectual Property Centre (joint program by the Max Planck Institute and GW Law) where he obtained his LLM degree in Intellectual Property and Competition Law in November 2013, writing his thesis on the ownership problems of overlaps in European Intellectual Property Law.
AI PhD Candidate at NOVA Information Management School
Co-Founder & CEO Zeta Corporation
Co-founder & Ceo at Zeta, Zeta’s vision is to create an environment that fosters innovation, enabling top-notch products and cutting-edge technology to thrive.
A PhD Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Artificial Intelligence at University of Nova - Lisbon. A Senior University Lecturer for the past six years at Ubt - Prishtina.
Economist at ANACOM and Vice-Chair of the BEREC Working Group on Digital Markets
Margarida Melo Santos graduated in Economics in 1998, at ISEG, University of Lisbon. In 1999, she completed a postgraduate degree in International Relations at ISCSP - Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, in 2002 the curricular part of the master's degree in Territorial Management at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and, in 2019, a postgraduate degree in Regulation and Competition, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
She began her professional activity in 1998, having worked in several public and private organisations in the area of market analysis and promotion of Portuguese capacity, including the Office of Studies and Economic Prospective of the Ministry of Economy, where she developed sectoral analysis work and participated in several projects such as: 'Prospective scenarios for the Portuguese economy', for REN, and 'Analysis of Portuguese clusters', in collaboration with PROINOV and the Prime Minister's Office.
She joined ANACOM in 2009, where she has worked in the regulation of postal services and electronic communications, with a special focus on broadband and broadcasting and, in the last five years, also of digital platforms.
Since January 2023, she is co-chairing BEREC Digital Markets working group, in which she has developed work on: Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Worlds, the entry of large content and applications providers into the markets for electronic communications networks and services, the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act and their implementation.
Margarida represents BEREC in the High-Level-Group of the Digital Markets Act and in its subgroups, the Portuguese State in the 'Prohibitions' subgroup of the Artificial Intelligence Act Board and ANACOM in the 'Content moderation and data access' subgroup of the Digital Services Act Board.
Cybercrime Unit / Safer Internet Helpline - APAV
Tomás Grencho has a degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, a post-graduate degree in Data Protection Law and is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Law and Security at the Nova School of Law.
Since 2021, he has worked as a Victim Support Officer at the Portuguese Victim Support Association and is currently part of the Safer Internet Helpline team, working as a Victim Support Officer and an analyst of illegal content on the Internet, as a member of INHOPE.
President of the Portuguese League for Human Rights – Civitas
Paulo Sargento, PhD, has a daughter, is currently the President of the Portuguese League for Human Rights – Civitas. He is also Director of the Ribeiro Sanches School of Health, IPLUSO, Lusófona Group, where he is also an Associate Professor and clinical consultant for two institutions associated with health. He has a degree in Clinical Psychology, a postgraduate degree in Developmental Psychology, a DEA in Forensic Psychology and Psychobiology and a PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology. He develops his research in two laboratories (CEAD and NICiTeS). He is a member of the editorial team and reviewer of several scientific journals of international circulation. He is a member of several scientific associations, and publishes mainly in the area of psychology, education and justice, but also in scientific dissemination. He is a commentator and columnist for CM/CMTV and, since 2022, he has been commissioner of the CM/CMTV initiative "More School, Better Family: for a culture of peace, against school violence", with the high patronage of the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic. She researches in three areas: health, education and justice, where she has several publications, national and international. She is currently developing research on the Teaching of Human Rights in Portuguese schools and intends to promote a UNESCO Chair on Education for Peace and Human Rights.
Coordinator of Investigation at the Judicial Police
José Cunha Ribeiro holds a degree in Law and serves as the Criminal Investigation Coordinator at the Polícia Judiciária. He has extensive experience in conducting and supervising complex investigations within the National Unit for Combating Cybercrime and Technological Crime.
With a 25-year career characterized by commitment and dedication, he has led numerous operations related to economic-financial crime and cybercrime. Additionally, he has actively participated in training at the Institute of Polícia Judiciária and Criminal Sciences.
Currently, he is responsible for technical, strategic, and ethical supervision in his role as Data Protection Officer for Artificial Intelligence.
Director of the Centre for Journalism Training
Director of candor – Protocol Training Center for Journalists, researcher at CIES-IUL and OberCom, and visiting professor at ISCTE. A journalist since 1989, he was editorial director, director and publisher of magazines, and editorial consultant. Censor trainer since 2001, he was later a consultant to the board and an elected member of the Technical-Pedagogical Council. Her areas of interest are digital communication, new platforms, new formats, media literacy, disinformation, strategies and narratives, digital storytelling, business models, innovation.
Full Professor at NOVA IMS, Director of NOVA IMS MagIC
Leonardo Vanneschi is a Full Professor at NOVA IMS. His main research interests involve Machine Learning, Data Science, Complex Systems, and in particular Evolutionary Computation. His work can be broadly partitioned into theoretical studies on the foundations of Evolutionary Computation, and applicative work. The former covers the study of the principles of functioning of Evolutionary Algorithms, with the final objective of developing strategies to outperform the traditional techniques. The latter covers several different fields among which computational biology, image processing, personalized medicine, engineering, logistics, economics and marketing. His work has been consistently recognized and appreciated by the international community from 2000 to nowadays. In 2015, he was honoured with the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Evolutionary Computation in Europe, in the context of EvoStar, the leading European Event on Bio-Inspired Computation. In 2020, he was included in the list of the 2% best researchers in the world, both for the year 2019 and for the entire carreer, according to a study conducted by the Stanford University.
President of the Knowledge Institute at Abreu Advogados
Consultant at Abreu Advogados
Luís Barreto Xavier has been the President of the Knowledge Institute since 2019. Of Counsel at Abreu Advogados since 2018, works as a legal consultant mainly on issues related to Constitutional Law and Private International Law.
His main focus is on providing opinions on matters relating to the competency of the courts, determining applicable law, acknowledging and enforcing foreign judgements, particularly in matters of contracts, international successions, matrimonial matters and property regimes. As a faculty member at the Portuguese Catholic University, he initiated and coordinated the Advanced LLM in International Business Law (2006–2018), the first LLM in Portugal and one of the first of its kind in continental Europe. He founded and directed the Catholic Global School of Law (2009–2018), acknowledged by the Financial Times for seven consecutive years as one of the most innovative law schools in the world. He headed the Advanced Studies and Postgraduate Studies Office of the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University – Lisbon School (2007–2018), and won the 2018 Alumni Award, awarded by the Alumni Commission of the Portuguese Catholic University Faculty of Law.
He also has extensive experience in representing the Portuguese State in various litigation proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union, and is part of the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Artificial Intelligence and Law, created in 2018 under the Catholic Research Centre for the Future of Law.
Associate Professor in Private Law at NOVA School of Law
Fabrizio Esposito is a Bocconi and EUI alumnus and Associate Professor of Private Law at the NOVA School of Law (Lisbon). His 40+ publications combine doctrinal analysis, especially of EU consumer and regulatory law, with economics and other disciplines. His monograph, The Consumer Welfare Hypothesis in Law and Economics, opens a new path in ‘law and economics’. He has co-edited three volumes, including the forthcoming Cambridge Handbook on Algorithmic Price Personalization and the Law. Fabrizio sits on the Consulting Board of the European Review of Contract Law and acts as class representative in two class actions against Big Tech companies.