
8h30-9h00 | Registration
9h00-9h20 | Opening Session
Daniela Antão, Founder of the Digital Rights Festival, Lawyer, PhD Candidate NOVA School of Law, Member Data-Driven Law Knowledge Centre
Carlos Carreiras, Mayor of the Municipality of Cascais
Margarida Lima Rego, Dean of NOVA School of Law
9h20-9h40 | Regulation of Digital Services
Sandra Maximiano, President of the Board of ANACOM
9h40-10h00 | Privacy: video surveillance and other intrusions.
Francisco Rocha, President Founder of Privacy Lx
10h00-10h15 | Q & A
10h15-10h30 | Coffee break
10h30-12h00 | Regulation of Digital Services- Discussion Panel
Opening Remarks: Luís Alexandre Correia, Coordinator of the DSC Working Group
Moderator: Fátima Caçador, Jornal O Sapo
João Roque Fernandes, Member of the Board of Directors of AMA - Administrative Modernization Agency
Dr. Carlos Antunes, Legal and Policy Officer of the Portuguese National Cybersecurity Centre
Paula Meira Lourenço, President of the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD – National Commission for the Protection of Data
Luís Silveira Botelho, Inspetor Geral da IGAC – Inspector General for Cultural Activities
Telmo Gonçalves, Member of the Regulatory Board of the Portuguese Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC – Regulatory Authority for Social Communication)
12h00-12h30 | Challenges of Digital Rights Protection
Ricardo Lafuente, President of the Board D3 – Defence of Digital Rights
12h30-14h00 | Lunch Break
14h00-14h15 | Social Media: Immunity or Accountability?
Nuno Sousa e Silva, Lawyer, PhD, Professor at Porto Law School of Universidade Católica Portuguesa
14h15-15h45 | Taking Down Illegal Content: The Role of Trusted Flaggers
Opening Remarks: Vesa Morina, AI PhD Candidate at NOVA Information Management School, Co-Founder & CEO @ Zeta Corporation
Moderator: Fátima Caçador, SAPO Tek Editor
Margarida Santos, Economist at ANACOM and Co-Chair of BEREC Working Group Digital Markets
Tomás Grencho, Cybercrime Unit / Safer Internet Helpline - APAV
Paulo Sargento, President of the Portuguese League of Human Rights – Civitas
José Cunha Ribeiro, Polícia Judiciária, Investigation Coordinator, Data Protection Officer para a IA
Miguel Crespo, Director of the Training Centre for Journalists
15h45-16h00 | Coffee Break
16h00-16h40 | Distinguished Lecture: How Are AI Systems Designed
Leonardo Vanneschi, Professor at NOVA Information Management School, main research in Machine Learning, Data Science, Complex Systems, and Evolutionary Computation
16h40-17h00 | AI Act explained and the Case of High-Risk Systems
Luís Barreto Xavier | Invited Professor at the Lisbon School of Law of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and President of the Knowledge Institute of Abreu Advogados
17h00-17h20 | Price Personalization – Opportunity And Compliance
Fabrizio Esposito, Professor NOVA School of Law